Welcome to the 2025 North Carolina State Fair On-line Nomination site.
*All market animals must be nominated to be eligible for the NC State Fair Livestock Shows. Nomination process includes:
Market Beef:
- Request NC State Fair Nomination kits through the ShoWorks system by April 14th
- Submit animal information and upload photo on each animal for nomination through the ShoWorks system by May 14th
Market Lambs, Hogs, and Goats:
- Request NC State Fair Nomination kits through the ShoWorks system by June 14th
- Submit animal information and upload photo on each animal for nomination through the ShoWorks system by July 15th
**All steps must be complete for the animal to be eligible to officially enter the NC State Fair Livestock Shows.
***SAVE YOUR LOG IN INFORMATION*** You will use the same log in User Id and Password to make your Official Entries to the Fair.